Video Editing – Editing Titles

This guide will cover the process of adding introductory title screens and on-screen captions to your videos. Although, you can continue to work with the sample video clip. These basic editing functions are equally useful for a wide range of video genres if only most of them are pointed out. Start by opening up a […]

Video Editing – Add a text filter and Floating

Using NeoFilm, it is possible to add a text filter directly to the video section. As you have seen, you can control the size of the text caption, font style and color, and its exact position on the screen. However, if you do this, the text title will appear and disappear abruptly because the playhead […]

Playlist, Timeline, Preview Options

As soon as you open any video, it will be shown on the core panel of the NeoFilm UI (called the source panel) and starts playing. In this guide, we will explain the playlist, timeline, and preview options. Playlist To convert an uploaded file to a real editable asset, you need to add it to […]

How to compose video or movie using NeoFilm

Creating a video or movie is not difficult. Creating a good quality video, on the other hand, requires a good editing tool. You are not going to cut clips all the time. However, as long as you have an editing tool that meets your needs, you can at least produce something that is visible. Make […]

Video editing – Cutting, pasting, appending, transitions

One thing we already know is that the uploaded clip on NeoFilm itself, although is a high-resolution film of a compelling, moving image. It does not take long to hear the audience in most contexts. If you would like to end with a long final video, if any, of at least a 1-minute range, here […]

NeoFilm- Import and Edit Audio Video Files

Computers with webcams and screen-capture software and mobile phones with video capabilities now make it possible for a wider group of people to capture raw video footage of some events, computer software demonstrations, a concert, a trip to Iceland, or Anything else that is worth preserving and showing in the video. This 5 minutes guide […]